Workshop 2: Creating Concepts


Workshop 2 Recap

  • Innovation Culture Foundations
    • Established a culture of safety and belonging. 
    • Played some team building exercises to get used to the online collaboration environment.
    • Received a presentation from Mr. Shigetoshi Sakurai, the sides can be downloaded below, or HERE
    • Created 3 teams that fostered trust and continued networking. 
  • Aligned on outcomes for workshop 2: 
    • Focused on creating a trusted training program that can achieve the following 5 outcomes for visionaries working on a project in the Blue Economy - 
      • 1) Become investment or grant ready,
      • 2) Get training on leveraging IP & innovation tools,
      • 3) Get access to key resources, business model development, partners,
      • 4) Join a community of inspiring leaders who are serious about establishing the Blue Economy,
      • 5) Creatively collaborate with projects in other industries.
  • Introduced How Might We statements of three concepts that will support achieving the above 5 outcomes:
    • Concept 1: HMW create a culturally relevant and trusted      infrastructure that enables idea development?
    • Concept 2: HMW create an environment/community that connects the dots (and basic resources) of the stakeholder map? 
    • Concept 3: HMW make it easy for participants to access a pre-training that qualifies them for the capacity building program?
  • Created 3 concepts (see below)
  • Laid the foundations for running a test of the training prototype for Workshop 3

Day 1 replay

Day 2 replay


In teams of 3, we crafted 3 individuals concepts that have the potential to be prototyped and tested in order to create a culturally relevant and accepted capacity building program for the CARICOM region. 

  • Continued successfully networking and sharing ideas. 
  • Had important conversations about being culturally relevant in order for this project to be accepted into the community. 
Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 3

About the initiative:

International organizations, donor agencies, business support organizations, non-governmental and governmental organizations along with commercial entities, startups, nonprofits who are looking to collaborate, grow and benefit from the Blue Economy in the CARICOM region.


 Enable all projects related to the Blue Economy to: 
1) Become investment or grant ready,
2) Get access to innovation tools & training, 
3) Get access to key resources (like IP support) and partners, 
4) Join a community of inspiring leaders who are serious about establishing the Blue Economy, 
5) Creatively collaborate with projects in other industries.

By the end of the initiative we will have a self-sustaining and culturally relevant innovation hub co-designed by practitioners actively working in the CARICOM region to achieve the desired outcomes as stated above.

  1. Blue Economy community is fragmented.
  2. Finding the right people and organizations to collaborate with. 
  3. Uncovering the right cultural and societal structure to make the hub accessible and self sustaining.

We will be using design thinking methodologies of empathy, ideation, consolidation, testing and prototyping to develop the societal and cultural structure for the hub while cultivating a culture of innovation and connecting the community to the endless possibilities the region has to offer.

Join Us On The Journey

Let us know if you have any questions.